Pope Francis directs us to Pray the Rosary

Echo report published in Aleteia: 
This ancient form of devotion is truly one of the gifts given to us as Catholics!

May 17, in the month dedicated to Mary, Pope Francis noted three aspects of the Rosary that should motivate us to pray it regularly.
How To Pray the Rosary at this site here.

The Holy Father made this observation at the end of the general audience, in greetings to Arabic-speaking pilgrims.

First, he said that the Rosary is a “compendium of the entire history of our salvation.”

For many centuries the Christian faith was spread to many parts of the world through the Rosary, a completely biblical prayer. Without access to the printing press or readily available Bibles, the Rosary became the primary means of communicating the essence of Christianity. Learn more here.

Then, the Pope noted, the “Holy Rosary is a powerful weapon against evil.”
The Rosary’s power against Satan is something that many saints have noted, including Padre Pio and St. John Bosco.

Finally, the Pope said, it is “an effective means of obtaining true peace in our hearts.”

The Rosary is one example of prayer that successfully incorporates both body and soul, involving many of the senses.


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