Pray with Catholic Relief Services

This meaningful prayer (below) was sent to me from a Jesuit priest who is a friend of our family:  

Not because our tables are full

Lord of all,

We look up to you and give thanks,

Not because our tables are full,

Our harvests are robust,

Or our homes resound with laughter and joy.

Though these things may indeed be true,

Too often we have looked upon want,

We see times of dryness,

And lives of loneliness and despair.

Even then, we thank you nonetheless,

Because, it is in times such as these,

That we see hands that share,

We see feet that walk in solidarity with the outcast,

We see arms that open up to embrace the broken hearted,

And, we see the sinner weep to know of your forgiveness.

And, whatever the joys and comforts of our homes, great and small,

It is in the blessings of these times that our cup truly overflows.

And so, we bless you and thank you not because our tables are full,

    But, because our hearts are,

        Because your love is everlasting,

            And, your mercy endures forever.



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