Lenten reflection during the pandemic

Prayer During the Pandemic,
May we who are merely inconvenienced,
Remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors,
Remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of work from home,
Remember those who must choose between preserving their health and making their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close,
Remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips,
Remember those who have no safe place to go.
May those who are losing our margin money in the tumult of our economic market,
Remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settle in for a quarantine at home,
Remember those who have no homes.

With the coronavirus, Lenten sacrifice takes a serious turn | Faith Matters

The late Rev. Gerard M. Santora, no relation, used to tell this story at Holy Rosary Church in Downtown Jersey City: During World War II, so many people came to church so often that the hinges on the doors had to be changed several times.

That resonated with Hoboken resident Donna Zukowski, who drove to attend Mass in Clifton on Sunday, which is in the Paterson Diocese and did not cancel Sunday Mass.

“My father served in battle in Europe during WWII when a priest would say Mass in the back of a jeep for a thousand soldiers as bombs dropped,” she recalled. “I did not want to miss Mass. That was the most important thing to me.''

And that seemed to be the reaction to Hoboken Catholics on Sunday even though this crisis has consequences: a contagious, potential deadly disease by contact with an infected person. But people, aware of the caution about touching someone else and keeping a 6-foot distance, still wanted Mass.

A young man, Frank, passed by my church, Our Lady of Grace Church, peering in the open doors as he walked back and forth in front of Church Square Park across the street. He finally came over and said his church was closed. Another church had a sign that Masses were canceled so he went searching.

Newark Archdiocese leader Cardinal Tobin asked us to keep our doors open so people could come and pray so we decided to offer a Communion service at our regular Mass times, which included the Sunday readings and distributing Communion consecrated the day before.

We had from as few as five people at what would have been the Saturday evening vigil Mass to 26 for what would have been the 7:30 Sunday evening Mass, which attracts mostly young adults. And some people handed us their envelopes even when we did not pass the baskets around. What good Catholics!

I have never had Sunday Masses canceled in my lifetime, even when the AIDS crisis fueled such prejudice and fear. I am not sure what the consequences will be for this cancellation even as we face more weeks without Sunday Masses. 

Weekday Masses, too, have been canceled even though the number of people who regularly attend those is much smaller.

Plus, this is Lent. Palm Sunday is three weeks away, then Holy Week and then Easter.

Lent is a time when Catholics make sacrifices to do a faith check and prepare for the great Paschal mystery. Right now, all of society seems to be making sacrifices that were unimaginable only a few weeks ago.

People cannot travel freely. Businesses are being curtailed. People are losing jobs in pubs, restaurants and other establishments. Curfews are in place to keep people home. Schools and colleges are canceled for the short term and perhaps for the rest of the semester with some enacting remote learning. The stock market is tanking, approaching the lows that fueled the Great Depression. Hospitals are being strained beyond their means.

The economic consequences will be catastrophic.

I share an anonymous prayer that was sent to me by Faye Bruno of Sea Girt that orients us toward those less fortunate than us.

It is frightening that a majority of people are unprepared to cover their expenses beyond a small window of time. How will they survive and who will care for them?

That is why this health pandemic challenges us to look at each other and see where we can be helpful: at a shelter, a feeding program or helping stock a food pantry.

All of these actions are normal for the season of Lent. But, now, there is an urgency and the needs are greater.

We are not alone. “Social distancing” may be in mode now, but people hunger for social solidarity and in a healthy way during this crisis. People turn to God in moments of crisis.

Coming to Mass is a palpable way to feel that divine presence, who can help people get through this pandemic. Since it is unavailable, coming to a church and keeping a healthy distance from others and in numbers that respect health guidelines may be the only alternative. At least we realize that in God’s house, the people of God are always welcome to realize that any challenge in life beyond our control is in God’s hands.

“During the Depression, faith was everything,” Zukowski said. And so through the coronavirus.

The Rev. Alexander Santora is the pastor of Our Lady of Grace and St. Joseph, 400 Willow Ave., Hoboken, NJ 07030. Email: padrealex@yahoo.com; Twitter: @padrehoboken.


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