Learning about End of Life Advanced Directives

BRUNSWICK, Me - Thank you to Deacon John Murphy, M.D., for presenting medical and religious expertise to the Saturday, November 16, 2019, program about Three Beliefs, the Diocesan Advanced Health Care Directive document.  

Three Beliefs is a guide for Maine Catholics that offers valuable assistance and information regarding end-of-life issues.

The 20-page document, produced by the Diocese of Portland, includes:
  • an explanation of Catholic teaching on life-sustaining treatment and care;
  • an introductory letter from Bishop Robert P. Deeley;
  • the Maine Advance Directive form modified to ensure consistency with both Catholic teaching and Maine law;
  • and a helpful FAQ section.
For a printer-friendly version of Three Beliefs, click here. To view a color version of Three Beliefs, click here.

Additional resources and information on a variety of topics regarding Catholic teaching on the end of life can be found below.

Copies of Three Beliefs are also available by contacting your local parish. You may also request a copy by contacting the Diocese of Portland at (207) 773-6471.


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