Venezuela - Medical Mission Sisters

Thank you Sister Maigualida Riera and Teresa Murphy for the interesting presentation "Somos Uno - Venezuela" presented at St. Charles on November 4, 2018. We learned about the dire situation caused by government corruption in Venezuela and how the Sisters help to educate young people, teach them music, and feed and care for the poor. Teresa Murphy (right) is a lovely guitarist who performed two traditional songs in Spanish and assisted Sister with her slide presentation. God bless the suffering people in Venezuela. Thank you to Maigualida and Teresa. We were particularly impressed by how the Medical Mission Sisters with Sister Maigualida Riera are dedicated to teaching children the Venezuelan children their history and culture through music ministries, because in so doing, they will hopefully be inspired to stay in their country, and participate in rebuilding their economy and sustain positive national pride.  

Teresa is a music major and a student at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA.

Medical Mission Sisters link here. Sister Maigualida Riera is the first Venezuelan nun to be a Medical Mission Sister.

Mission of the Medical Mission Sisters:Our Mission

Medical Mission Sisters are women full of passion…for wholeness, for justice, for life. Like our Foundress, Anna Dengel, M.D., “it eats us up” when individuals and communities are denied the resources and opportunities they need to live as human beings. It moves us to the core of our being when and where people are made poor, are oppressed or are overwhelmed with a sense of powerlessness.

In our broken, wounded world, Medical Mission Sisters are called to live as a healing presence. We try to bring about a world where all live in harmony and where no one is in want. We try to live as Jesus lived, with care and compassion for all.

A Community of dedicated women with over 500 Canonical members and 100 Associates, we share life and our own unique expertise with women, children and men on five continents today. We enter into their lives as partners, as peers, as friends. We work together with them to build one world, and be one world, where the gifts of all people, all cultures, all creation are affirmed and celebrated.


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