
Showing posts from August, 2022

Pope Francis in Canada with a mission to apologize to Indigenous people

Pope apologizes for ‘catastrophic’ school policy in Canada By David Carey, Religion Team Leader, Associated Press   Pope Francis in Maskwacis , in Alberta (AP) Canada Pope Francis delivered a historic apology this week to Indigenous peoples for the abuses suffered at the hands of Catholic missionaries in Canada’s church-run residential schools.  In fact, the Associated Press provided wall-to-wall coverage of this consequential papal trip on Canadian soil.  Alongside top notch visual crews and an assist from Canadian bureau chief Rob Gillies, the religion team’s Peter Smith and AP Vatican expert, Nicole Winfield, were on the ground to document the pope’s arrival in Edmonton , Alberta, and his monumental request for forgiveness at the site of a former residential school. But the religion team’s work began before the papal plane touched down on Sunday. In anticipation of the pope’s arrival, Smith and Jessie Wardar