
Showing posts from December, 2020

Prayer during a dark winter- "How long oh Lord?"

Coronavirus prayer during a dark winter- Prayer published in America , the Jesuit Magazine , by Kerry Weber, executive editor. Jesus Christ, Light of the World, You understand what it is like to feel alone in the midst of great suffering. Remain with us as we continue to endure the coronavirus pandemic. Awaken our hearts as we bear witness to the sickness, the sacrifice, even death. In these dark months we cry, “How long, O Lord?” Remain with us as we continue to endure the coronavirus pandemic. Awaken our hearts as we bear witness to the sickness, the sacrifice, even death. In these dark months we cry, “How long, O Lord?” When we feel only sorrow in our souls, help us to know that the joy of the Gospel remains as true now as ever. When we feel only grief in our hearts, help us to find consolation in knowing that those who are sick or have died are held in your loving embrace. As we walk through this time of darkness, give us faith that we are headed toward brighter days. Give light to

Catholic Health Care supports coronavirus vaccinations

Echo report published in the  Catholic Legislative Network  news: California Catholic Conference, Catholic Health Care Ministries and Catholic Charities Support COVID-19 Vaccinations. In the Gospel of Luke (5:17-26) the friends of a paralytic man bring him to Jesus for healing. The crowds are so great that they must dismantle the roof to lower their suffering friend before Jesus who then heals the paralytic. During this current pandemic, we have the opportunity to serve in a similar way. It is in that spirit of friendship and solidarity, the California Catholic Conference, Catholic health care systems and hospitals in California, Catholic Charities and other health-related ministries issued the following statement:  The California Catholic Conference [i] affirms that the imminent Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are morally acceptable and commit to working closely with Catholic health care ministries and Catholic Charities to

Advent Blessing by Bishop Robert Deeley

PORTLAND, Maine  --- Portland Diocese:  During Advent, Bishop Robert Deeley will host a special, virtual prayer and blessing gathering for all Maine families on Sunday, December 13, at 5 p.m. There are three simple ways to access the blessing to which all are welcome to attend. View the login information at .