
Showing posts from July, 2020

July 14 is Saint Kateri Tekawitha Feast Day

Echo blog from Catholic Relief Services Upon her death at the age of 24, witnesses said that minutes later her scars vanished and her face appeared radiant and beautiful. Blessed Kateri is the Mohawk Saint.  She was but one miracle away from sainthood and, “we ended up reciting the prayer for canonization that we’ve all been praying since 1980.” The prayer, begins, “Kateri Tekakwitha, Noble Turtle, Mother Earth, gathers her people, east, south, west, and north. Mohawk Algonquin Lily filled with love, grateful woman, we honor you.” Reported by Donahue, Bill. The Secret World of Saints: Inside the Catholic Church and the Mysterious Process of Anointing the Holy Dead (Kindle Single) (Kindle Locations 169-172). Byliner Inc.. Kindle Edition.  Saint Kateri was beatified by Saint John Paul II and cannonized on October 12, 2014 by Pope Benedict XVI. There’s something about a saint’s story that speaks to us across the generations. How we see our stories reflected in theirs. And we kno