
Showing posts from December, 2019

Sacred Waiting - reflections on the life of Jan Vanier: "people with disabilities are teachers"

Advent 2019, at All Saints Parish: Sheila Murphy led Sacred Waiting, a faith seminar, at All Saints Parish, in Maine.  On December 8, 2019, she led the second seminar.  A reflection on the life of Jean Vanier. Jean Vanier lived the beautiful mystery of our human condition that we need one another, young and old, strong and weak. An enlightening Advent program with reflections about the inspired life of Jan Vanier.  Jean Vanier inspired countless people with his simple message that people with disabilities are teachers. Thank you Sheila Murphy for leading this informative program. We examined how we would respond to caring for people who live with serious disabilities if we had the opportunity to do so. American Magazine article describes Jan Vanier  by Colleen Dulle