
Showing posts from September, 2019

Regrettable - Physician Assisted Suicide message from Bishop Deeley

Image Statement from Bishop Robert Deeley Regarding People’s Vetoes Against Physician-Assisted Suicide and Taxpayer-Funded Abortions I am saddened to learn that despite great opposition in the public to physician-assisted suicide and taxpayer-funded abortion, these issues will not be sent to a statewide vote. Physician-assisted suicide, which failed in a statewide vote in 2000, desensitizes our young people and society at large to the inherent value of human life at a time when suicide rates are the highest that they have been since World War II.  Suicide should never be presented as an option, but only recognized for what it truly is, a tragedy. In addition, every Maine taxpayer will now be forced to fund abortions, coercing people to act against their moral beliefs and ethical principles. Understandably, outrage has grown since citizens have learned