
Showing posts from August, 2019

Saint John the Baptist lovely sanctuary Saint

Saint John the Baptist in Brunswick, Maine, a church in the All Saints Cluster, with the Diocese of Portland Maine. Locals call this church "Saint John's". It was built primarily to serve the French-Canadians and Franco-Americans who arrived in the area to find work in mills located along the Androscoggin River.  Most of the stunning stained glass windows are inscribed with French scripture and labels including the three dimensional Stations of the Cross. 

Signatures campaign for a veto of the Physician Assisted Suicide and the Medicaid abortion coverage bills

Click here for more information: A coalition is supporting signature gatherings from Maine registered voters, to support a citizens veto ballot initiative for the following bills (1) Physician Assisted Suicide (LD 1313- An Act to Enact the Maine Death With Dignity Act ) and (2) Medicaid covered abortion services (LD 820 - An Act To Prevent Discrimination in Public and Private Insurance Coverage for Pregnant Women in Maine). Many thanks to the Knights of Columbus, who are helping to organize this effort .  Physician Assisted Suicide LD 1313 was sponsored by (1) Representative Hymanson of York (2) Senator Woodsome of York (3) Representative Bailey of Saco (4) Denno of Cumberland (5) Meyer of Eliot (6) Stearns of Guildord (7) Senator Gratwick of Penobscot and (8) Moore of Washington. Medicaid coverage for abortion LD 820 ,  was sponsored by the following legislators:  (1)  Representative McCreight of Harpswell and (2) Cosponsored by Senator Vitell