
Showing posts from July, 2019

Bringing faith to the moon 50 years ago - The National Catholic Reporter news

Faith and the Apollo 11 Moon Landing - 50 year anniversary Saint Pope Paul VI watching the Apollo Moon Landing at the Vatican Published in The National Catholic Reporter By Emily McFarlan Miller, Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service 5 faith facts about the moon landing: Space Communion and a prayer league of its own Where humans go, faith seems to follow. It’s no less true of NASA’s first manned mission to land on the moon, when astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins made their way farther into the heavens than anyone had gone before. Here are five faith facts about the moon landing, which half a century later still inspires awe and wonder in people of all faiths and no faith. 1. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin took Communion aboard the Eagle lunar lander. When Aldrin first floated the idea of celebrating Communion during the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, NASA administrators responded with skepticism. The agency had already fended off a lawsuit filed

All Saints bulletin article - Praying the Our Father

Thank you for this clarification: Lord's Prayer Translation UPDATE published in the July 14, 2019 All Saints parish bulletin: You may have heard in the news that Pope Francis is changing the Lord's Prayer. Read below to understand the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop statement about this issue: In 2010, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops voted to keep the traditional translation of the Lord's Prayer in the English translation of the Roman Missal, third edition. They even voted to retain "thy" and "thou" because the words were most familiar to the faithful. Until you hear otherwise, this remains the official translation for the dioceses of the United States. There are no plans at this time to revisit that translation.

Bringing Lourdes Home

My husband and I visited Lourdes France in 2001, and the Goose River Press Anthology,  edited by Deb Benner, published my pilgrim's story, in the 2018, edition.  I even had a chance to speak about our visit with the late Archbishop Peter Gerety  when he was visiting Father Steve Concannon, at St. Charles, in Brunwick.   " Bringing Lourdes Home " is our story, now at this Bangor Daily News blog link: